North Carolina - Acts on Education Topics

An Act to Amend an Act, Passed in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-One, Entitled "An Act to Establish Clinton Academy, in the County of Sampson, and to Incorporate the Trustees Thereof."

1826-1827 - Chapter LXXIX

Acts Passed by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina 1826 - Page 48.
Click Here to view the original Act of 1821 that is amended below. 

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the trustees of said Academy in the before recited Act named, or any three of them, may at any time hereafter, after ten days public advertisement at the court house in Sampson, order a meeting of said trustees, and that three of them, when convened in pursuance of said meeting, shall form a board and quorum competent to transact any business relative to said Academy, and shall have full power and authority at any and all times to appoint such trustees, in addition to those named in the above recited Act, as to them shall seem meet, and proper.

Read three times and ratified in General Assembly,
this 12th day of February, A.D.1827.

Hutchins G. Burton, Governor
James Iredell, Jr., Speaker of the House of Commons
Bartlett Yancey, Speaker of the Senate

A true copy - William Hill, Secretary

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