The American Revolution in South Carolina

Well's Plantation

August 24, 1781

Patriot Cdr:

Capt. William Bennett
British Cdr:

Capt. McNeil






Old District: 

Charles Town District
Present County:

Berkeley County

Skirmish, Capt. William Bennett vs. detachments of Prince of Wales American Regiment, South Carolina Militia.

In the parishes of St. Thomas and Christ Church, near Charlestown, Brigadier General Francis Marion's troops were involved in a couple of actions that have not been often mentioned.

On August 24, 1781, a party of SC Militia and Continental cavalry raided as far south as Daniel Island, just across the Cooper River from the city. Upon their retreat northward, their trail was picked up by a party of British regular troops and Loyalist militia sent out by Capt. McNeil, the commander of the British post at Wappetaw.

This expedition overtook a party of Brigadier General Marion's militia after sundown at Wells's Plantation on Bull Head. The British proceeded to surround the house, but the Patriots, commanded by Capt. William Bennett, were alerted in the nick of time by the barking of a dog. In the ensuing skirmish, the royal forces killed one Patriot, wounded several others, and took sixteen good horses with all their trappings, but they did not succeed in capturing most of Capt. Bennett's company.

The Wells family owned the firm that published Charlestown's Loyalist newspaper, which may account for the excellent press coverage that this small affair received.

Bull Head is the source of a southern tributary of Quinby Creek that is today known as Northampton Creek. The site is in present-day Berkeley County about five miles southeast of Huger and less than two miles from the Charleston County line.

Known Patriot Participants

Known British/Loyalist Participants
Maham's Light Dragoons (Militia) detachment of one (1) known company, led by:
- Capt. William Bennett, with unknown under of men

Capt. McNeil, with unknown number of Loyalists.


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