South Carolina Delegates to the Confederate Congress 1860 to 1865

Delegates to Secession Conventions Year
James H. Adams 1860
James Parsons Carroll 1860
William Columbus Cauthen 1860
Robert Lafayette Crawford 1860
Joseph Brevard Kershaw 1860
James L. Orr 1860
Lewis Malone Ayer 1861
Robert Woodward Barnwell 1861
James Chestnut, Jr. 1861
Adley Hogan Gladden 1861
Christopher G. Memminger 1861
Robert Barnwell Rhett 1861
Thomas Jefferson Withers 1861

SC Delegates to Confederate Provisional Congress Years Served
Robert Woodward Barnwell 1861-1862
William Waters Boyce 1861-1862
James Chestnut, Jr. 1861-1862
Laurence Massillon Keitt 1861-1862
Christopher G. Memminger 1861-1862
William Porcher Miles 1861-1862
Robert Barnwell Rhett 1861-1862
Thomas Jefferson Withers 1861
James L. Orr 1862

Confederate Senators from SC Years Served
Robert Woodward Barnwell 1862-1865
James L. Orr 1862-1865

Confederate House of Representatives from SC Years Served
Lewis Malone Ayer 1862-1865
Milledge Luke Bonham 1862
William Waters Boyce 1862-1865
James Farrow 1862-1865
John McQueen 1862-1864
William Porcher Miles 1862-1865
William Dunlap Simpson 1863-1865
James Hervey Witherspoon 1864-1865

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